Sunday, October 17, 2010

Increasing Drama


I am finally getting close to finishing the baby blanket, and then three little letters, inc, got me all confused. My fingers don't exactly know what that means.

First, I called my mom, which I like to call Problem Numero Uno: The Phone Conversation.

Not to say that my mom isn't good at explaining things...but trying to explain someone how to knit over the phone isn't exactly the best way to teach someone how to knit. The conversation went something like this:

Mom: "So you knit one and then using the same knit, you knit again."

Me: "Wait....what?"

Mom: "You knit one and then using the same knit, you knit again. Don't you get it?"

Me: *Silence*

Okay, so that didn't work. On to problem numero dos: Jenny Decides to Take Matters into Her Own Hands.

My knitting book has gotten me through some tough times. It's taught me how to join yarn, how to decrease, and how to do various stitches. Only natural to think it would teach me how to increase, right? Wrong-o, again. Who knew there were 5 million ways to increase, none of which seemed appropriate. But since when do I care about being appropriate? So, I chose one and went for it.

The problem? I chose to yarn-over...not realizing that yarn-over is a fancy way of saying "make a hole in my knitting."


So, here's a quick recap:
  • Jenny doesn't know how to increase (No surprise.)
  • Jenny doesn't know how to take knitting instructions over the phone. (No surprise, again.)
  • Jenny rewrites the pattern so it suits her (Double no surprise.)
  • Jenny learns how to yarn-over (Silver lining.)

My blanket lays, I'm back to working on my dress until I can figure this one out. Unless I get restless.



  1. Ha! Oh no! I'm having trouble with my darn k2tog (knit together)! I am not a's messing up my fancy hat :( Sunday we shall overcome. :D

  2. I think you left out a few sentences from that phone conversation! I'll bring Qtips Sunday (to clean out your ears!) Hee hee hee hee hee hee. Seriously, it's not that difficult. Let's sit down together soon and go over it.

  3. I'll hold my gossiping to a minimum on Sunday so you can get your work done. Hopeflly Nicole will knit another row for me ;-)

  4. heehee! We'll get that blanket done little by little!


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