Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fall Inspiration

I love this time of year. Knitting season...errr...fall is upon us. It just makes you want to cozy up and knit, doesn't it?

Here's a little inspiration:

The perfect fall staple:

Because your hands could use a little cozy:

And, my new favorite:




So...it looks like I took the summer off from blogging, huh.


I didn't mean to...really! Life just got in the way.

Anyway, there are TONS of new crafting developments, but I'll start you off with a fun, school-related one, seeing as how school has been on my mind...and we start tomorrow!

I'm a firm believer in positive reinforcement in my classroom. I decided that I wanted to think of a new way to thank students for their hard work. One day this summer, I stumbled upon these fun Scratch Off Lottery Tickets. Yes! The perfect answer!

Using this blog, I was able to make my very own.

First, I created my lottery tickets with a simple Word Document. Students will earn fun things like getting to sit at the teacher's desk, and the ever-popular Lunch with the Teacher.

For some added color and weight, I attached each ticket to bright card stock.

Then, I cut clear contact paper to cover the area that will be scratched off.

I mixed 2 parts of acrylic silver paint with 1 part liquid dish soap and painted over the designated area.

After letting the paint dry, I couldn't resist trying one myself! Who doesn't love to scratch off something to see what they've won?

Wouldn't this be a fun DIY for Valentine's this year?


Monday, June 27, 2011

On My Needles Monday

This week's On My Needles Monday post is brought to you by the words "Failure" and "Thank goodness I made progress."

The first word, failure, takes on two meanings here. I'm making this post very complex and deep, I know. Try to keep up with me.

Failure = not realizing until I'm finishing up the first sleeve that I wasn't understanding the pattern, having to rip half the sleeve -- and here's the (not so) funny part...I made the same mistake on the back AND front of my sweater, causing me to spend most of my week ripping and crying. Kidding. Kind of.

Failure = 2 day power outage. We had some major storms this week, resulting in a power outage that was welcome for some reasons (no work for 3 days!) but not for others (I love going to bed at 8:30 because it's too dark to do anything else.)

Thank goodness I made progress = Due to said power outage, I was able to make progress on my Big Whoopsie this week. In fact, I corrected the sleeve, back, and front of my sweater...and started the second sleeve.

I have 2 new words for you: Boo. Ya.

Happy knitting!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

On My Needles


No picture this week. I am working on the sleeve that won't die. It just keeps going and going...so much so that unless I have monkey arms, it's not going to work. That translates to ripping and ripping and trying to rework the pattern so that it all works out.

Icing on the cake? This is only the first sleeve, of course!

My goal was to have this sweater done by the end of June. I think I may need to generously extend my deadline.

This image will perk up your day (and mine):

Let's hope I have something to show you next week!


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Purl Soho

Please tell me that you know of the lovely Purl Soho. Only the greatest yarn store (that I've never been too) ever.

Purl Soho is located in New York. I would plan a trip simply just to go and see this place in person. I wouldn't even eat NY pizza, visit the Statue of Liberty, or stand outside the Today Show. Thank goodness for the internet, because I can sneak a peek at this yarn haven whenever I please, without an airplane ticket, over packed luggage, or a travel guide.

I love Purl Soho's blog, and they have the most wonderful (free!) knitting patterns. This one caught my eye back in April, and I am adding it to my queue.

I love the worn look of it...it brings a bit of coziness, don't you think?

So many patterns...so little time.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

An Interest in Pinterest

I've been spending some time on Pinterest lately...maybe a little too much time. For those who don't know, Pinterest is a virtual pinboard, full of lovely and inspiring images. I am one of those people that would like to find a way to incorporate a bulletin board into every room of my home. Because it looks so pretty in the Pottery Barn catalog...and because I like to collect things.

Who says colanders are just for pasta?

Source: flickr.com via Vicki on Pinterest

Maybe your yarn could be on display!

I'm feeling inspired!

Monday, June 13, 2011

On My Needles Monday

This week, I continued working on the first sleeve of my Milkshake sweater. It's getting rather boring. I'm considering stopping here, wearing a half sleeve on one arm, and going sleeveless on the other. I'm all about making a fashion statement.

No, really. These sleeves need to knit themselves a bit quicker because I am so ready to start up something new. I am not good at handling multiple projects at once. Are you listening, knitting fairies? Work your magic!

Here are just a few of the things waiting for my needles to start clickin':

find this here

find this here

Have a lovely week!

Friday, June 10, 2011


It's June. Fall patterns are coming out. And, I swoon.

I have recently become a big fan of Blue Sky Alpacas. Although I have yet to knit one of their patterns (2 are in my queue...yikes!), I am currently using their yarn to knit my Milkshake sweater. I have a little love affair with that yarn. THAT'S how much I like it.

Enjoy a little taste of their new fall patterns. You may need to sit down in order to fully take it all in. (Don't say I didn't warn you!)

Autumn Vest

What are your needles itchin' to make?

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Lovely Ladies

The first (and only) step to my dream crafty wedding was the cards I made for my bridesmaids. Excuse me if I sound like a 12 year old girl when I say that the Klutz Paper Fashions book is the best thing ever. No, really.

I purchased this book a few years ago when I was making my own greeting cards - and I couldn't resist to make a card for each of my bridesmaids. It was so much fun giving the cards to these lovely ladies and sharing that moment together.

Looking to the decor of the reception itself has been overwhelming. The age of the internet has nearly provided me TOO much inspiration.

Source: 100layercake.com via Morgan on Pinterest

Oh...the possibilities! Send me your inspiration!


Monday, June 6, 2011

On My Needles Monday

Finally! A productive week of knitting. AND it's officially summer for me. It's been a double bonus sort of week!

I am just starting the ribbing on the first sleeve of my Milkshake sweater. I have a feeling that the sleeve will go quickly - I'm hoping so because I have new projects to work on that I'm itching to start!

What are you working on this week?

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I'm going to be a MRS.

Hello, friends!

So, nearly two months back, life as I knew it changed. All because a lovely, darling man, whom we shall call S., asked me to marry him.

My first thought (after saying 'YES!!!!!' of course), was "Oh my goodness gracious, I need to buy Martha Stewart's wedding magazine."

Not. even. kidding.

Photo courtesy of Martha Stewart Weddings

Because you see, like many fellow crafters out there, I am envious of Martha's job. Why can't I spend my day crafting, interviewing celebrities and having my own talk show?

Okay, so maybe the Hollywood part is a little tricky, but I have always wanted that one opportunity to spend my days crafting...and planning a wedding seemed like the perfect place to start, right? (Right...?!?)

So, I decided....I want to SEW everything.

Except, I don't know how to sew.

Then I decided...I want to MAKE placecards, thank you notes, and other paper goods.

And the real kicker....maybe I should EMBROIDER the numbers for the tables.

(And if you read a few posts back, I have still yet learned how to embroider.)

Needless to say, I am ambitious. Even when it comes to things I have no experience with.

I am not down and out, though. I am thinking of ways to make my Retro Homespun Wedding (Yes, I have given it a name) my own. Without going (too) crazy.

Stay posted, my friends. I plan on sharing how I asked my bridesmaids to spend this special day with me.

I don't think Bridezilla is the problem. More like Craftzilla.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday

Another Wednesday, another fashion post! Join in on the fun - and check out The Pleated Poppy!

This temperatures have been playing with me once again. I can't wait for skirt and dress weather!


Monday, May 23, 2011

On My Needles Monday


This week, my knitting went in reverse.

Just for the record, that's not a desired outcome.

When will I learn that I can't knit and watch The Real Housewives of So-and-So at the same time? Because when I do, I forget that I need to count my decreased stitches. I can get so caught up in it all because can you believe she just did/said/contemplated that?

I'm hoping to log in more knitting time this week...away from the TV. This sweater needs to get done!

Until next time...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A new adventure

There is a new adventure on the horizon, people.

The wonderful world of embroidery!

I have been inspired by beautiful embroidery pieces for quite some time, but have yet to jump in and try it for myself.

And then I visited Posie Gets Cozy. This blog had the most beautiful sampler...and I couldn't resist...and I ordered it...and now I can't wait to get my hands on it.

Image courtesy of Posie Gets Cozy

I mean, really. Is it not the most wonderful sampler you have ever seen?

And! I ordered it a day before it was sold out. Fate? I think we were meant to be, sampler. Meant. to. be.

Can't WAIT to figure this one out. Nothing like an ambitious introduction to embroidery, right?

What are YOU embroidering?


What I Wore Wednesday

Hey lovelies! It's that time again...check out The Pleated Poppy for some What I Wore Wednesday fun!

This weather is still not cooperating and I am SO looking forward to summer clothes. What is your favorite summer staple? (A girl can dream...right?) :)


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday

Hey, you!

It's another Wednesday...and you know what that means! Go to The Pleated Poppy for some fashion inspiration!

Say it ain't so! I am actually wearing....wait for it...sandals! My tootsies are soOoOoOOo happy!

Enjoy your week!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday

Hello, friends!

Have the last 2 weeks been crazy, or what? I am finally getting back into the swing of things and am overjoyed that I can dress up with all of you at The Pleated Poppy. Join in on the fun!

Hopefully I'll see you next week!

The Owl - Part 2

When I introduced you to my owl sweater yesterday, I mentioned that the owl met an unfortunate fate. What. a. cliffhanger.

After I had knitted the owl, the measurements just weren't adding up (hardy har har). So, I began searching for pattern errors and lo and behold - I found one. A Major Error.

*Sidenote: please take something away from my experience. It is probably a good idea to check for pattern errors before you begin the pattern. Not when you are towards then end, like me. I will never learn.

So anyway, the pattern originally read that I was to knit 5 inches before I began the owl pattern. The correction stated that I was only to knit 4 inches. In the scheme of knitting, one inch makes a big difference.

Cue the dramatic music.

So, I had to...rip...out...the...owl.

Ripping your work is never fun. Trust me, I've had lots of practice. But this one stung just a bit more. All of that work! All of those balls of yarn! Only to do it again!

I resolved to make the second owl even better, and I think I succeeded. It just added about 2 weeks on to the project.

Once I finally got the owl done, the back looked like this. More tears (sobs) because I really don't like weaving in the ends of my thread. That took an afternoon, and I was itching to move on to the next step.



Now, I haven't had much experience when it comes to knitting sweaters, but I thought that the assembly of this sweater was interesting. First, I sewed the front and back together, then I added the rolled collar.

After that, instead of knitting the sleeves separately and attaching them to the body of the sweater, I had to pick up and knit the sleeves onto the sweater. I didn't mind this, as it saved me the step of having to sew the sleeves on!

Unfortunately, I was really good about taking pictures of this process and really bad at taking a picture of the final product. I didn't realize it until the gift had been wrapped. Now that the birthday boy has opened it, I'll have to snap a picture so that you can see how it looks!

So glad I was able to share this with you - if this project taught me anything (and it taught me a lot!), it's to not get too frustrated. And to always check for errors before I start knitting. :)


On My Needles Monday

I fully realize that I'm doing On My Needles Monday on a Tuesday. Apparently, my brain was still in a foggy weekend haze yesterday and I am running one day behind - my apologies!

I thought this week I would take a bit of a spin on the "On My Needles" concept because, well, I'm not going to show you something that is currently on my needles. It was at one point, but I was never able to reveal it because it was a surprise. Surprise knitted gifts are my very favorite kind - but it's kind of hard keeping up with a knitting blog when all of the things you knit are surprises. So! L-o-n-g story short, I decided that I'm going to devote a few posts to a special project for a very special little boy.

Blog readers, meet Henry. You've met him in the past. He is the cutest nephew a girl could ever ask for, and he recently turned the ripe old age of one.

I saw this as a perfect opportunity to knit the perfect little sweater, and as soon as I saw this pattern, I knew I had found the jackpot.

So, during the Blizzard of 2011, I began this special project. And right off the bat I realized how much I love knitting little wonderfuls because they don't take nearly as much time as knitting things for myself.

I was excited to take this project on because I learned how to use the intarsia method when knitting the owl. Of course, my owl was intricate and required MANY balls of yarn, which I don't think I was prepared for. I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

The good news is, you don't even notice the chaos of intarsia when you look at it from this angle!

Tune in tomorrow to see how this owl met a disastrous fate.
