Monday, September 23, 2013

Knitting Season

This is, by far, my favorite time of year. The cooler temps, the pumpkins, apple flavored's just too much. I've heard a few times that this now kicks off "Knitting Season"....I however, disagree. Because for me, every season is knitting season. I don't (willingly) take a break from it. And I have so. many. projects. that I really can't afford to.

This leads me to my yarn obsession. I got to thinking the other day just how bad it is when I found a cowl pattern that I really liked. In my mind, I chose the color that I wanted and everything...only realizing later that it wasn't practical because I didn't have a winter coat to match. A normal person would find a new yarn color. I am not normal. I, instead, look for a new coat.

That is my obsession at it's finest.

It's not a healthy one by any means, but I don't see myself changing anytime soon. I'll keep buying yarn. I'll keep finding creative places to store skeins. And I'll keep adding pieces to my wardrobe just so that I can wear cozy cowls. Sheesh.

Here are a few cowls that you should probably unnecessarily add to your wardrobe:

Friday, September 20, 2013

4...and 5 months

So, apparently, we enjoyed summer. A lot. I'm still trying to figure out how to update here with greater frequency while making sure we all have clean clothes to wear. It's been a process.

Because I missed William's 4 month pictures, I am including both the 4 and 5 month pictures today.

I've discovered my feet...

...and I will stop at nothing to get them!

Willam's latest tricks:

  • He's laughing! It's a deep little chuckle. And, it's hiiiiilarious.
  • He can roll from back to tummy. But now refuses to roll from tummy to back. #babyproblems
  • When on his tummy, he can fully extend his arms and lift his chest off the ground. He can also pivot. Someone's going to be mobile soon...
  • He's still a chatterbox. I find that when I sing to him, he "sings" along with me.
  • He loves to dance. Which is a good thing since mommy and daddy don't miss an opportunity to cut a rug.
  • He loves peek-a-boo!
  • Things are put into his mouth. All. things.
  • He can grasp things without missing!
  • He has started to tripod sit.

Our sweet William....I love you so very much. You are transforming before my very eyes. You are so curious about the world around you. I love watching you learn new things. I love that you are gaining independence, but still want snuggles :) You make me so happy and proud to be your mommy. I love you to the moon and back!