Monday, October 25, 2010

I've been bad. Very, very bad.

Confession time.

It's hard to admit, so I'm just going to say it all in one breath:


Not too bad, right? Well that's because I didn't tell you everything.


Okay, I'm almost done confessing:


Phew! I think that's everything. You see, this is what happens when I have a few spare minutes and I decide to start searching for patterns online. No matter that I still have a few projects on the back burner. I need these NOW (insert stomping feet.) I am like a child. Some call it a disaster, but I call it a yarn high. And this yarn high is very, very high.

Although I can't show you everything that I bought (surprise, surprise!), I can show you this:

find me here!

That's the holiday stocking I am d-y-i-n-g to make. Ever since I began knitting, I've wanted to make a stocking, so I'm thinking about this one. Don't you just love the colors? I do...but I don't know if my wallet does. hee hee!



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