Last weekend was BEAUTIFUL. We took a family trip to the pumpkin patch to celebrate the new season and get our hands on some pumpkins...and apple donuts.
Every year, my family plans a day to go to the pumpkin patch. We were doing this well before children were in the picture. We have lucked out with wonderful weather every. single. year. Sure, there have been times when it's 90+ degrees outside, but the sun has always been shining. I really look forward to this annual tradition. It gets me ready for fall!
There have been so many fun memories at the pumpkin patch. My favorite being when my husband bent over to lift a heavy pumpkin for me...and his jeans split right down the middle. I thought that sort of thing only happened in the movies. He had no problem walking around the rest of the day with built-in air conditioning. If that had happened to me, there would have been tears.
This year's top moment was this: (I don't think I need to explain this one...)
This year was especially exciting because it was William's first visit. Always looking for a photo op, we propped him between the large pumpkins and got some pretty good shots. It didn't take long for him to try and eat the pumpkins, so pictures ended shortly after that.
Everyone knows that a trip to the pumpkin patch isn't complete unless there's a camel ride involved!
At the beginning of the summer, I got two large black urns for my front porch. My mom had a vision, people. And you don't mess with a vision. Instead of replacing my geraniums with mums, we stacked some pumpkins on top of one another for a fun effect. I love how it turned out. We used grapevine and some faux flowers that I purchased from Hobby Lobby to finish off the look.
I hope you're enjoying fall just as much as we are!
Love the pics of the pumpkins in front of your house but nothing compares to William!