Friday, June 21, 2013


Linking up again over at Life Rearranged!

This week flew by and I wasn't the best at taking pictures. Seriously, I just don't know where the days go ever since William arrived. So much of my schedule revolves around when he needs to eat...and then all of a sudden I find that it's dinner time and I'm not exactly sure where the previous 12 hours went!

Anyway, here's a tiny glimpse at our week!

This face. Really. William turned 2 months this week - and it's hard to believe how much he has grown already. It's hard to believe how I've grown, too! I'm feeling so much more confident. I'm not yet ready, however, to move him out of our room. He's quickly getting close to being too big for his cradle, but my heart just isn't ready. I don't think it'll ever be.

Wednesday is 20% coffee cake day at our local bakery. All someone needs to do is say "Sale" and I'm whipping out my debit card whether I need something or not. But, you always need coffee cake, am I right? Legitimate purchase. William and I sat in the cafe, enjoying our treat.  As you can tell, the conversation was thrilling. :)

Ugh. Weeds. My yard is loaded with them, and I feel like I'm constantly picking at them. I'm glad I got lazy enough to see this little gem pop through the patio bricks. I don't have the heart to pull it quite yet!

There's a bit of my week! If you're interested, you can find me @jaohorvath!


  1. Stopping over from LifeRearranged! What sweet sweet photos you captured this week!

  2. What big blue eyes you have William! Happy to see a happy baby and happy to see color where you'd least expect it!


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