Linking up again over at Life Rearranged!
This week flew by and I wasn't the best at taking pictures. Seriously, I just don't know where the days go ever since William arrived. So much of my schedule revolves around when he needs to eat...and then all of a sudden I find that it's dinner time and I'm not exactly sure where the previous 12 hours went!
Anyway, here's a tiny glimpse at our week!
This face. Really. William turned 2 months this week - and it's hard to believe how much he has grown already. It's hard to believe how I've grown, too! I'm feeling so much more confident. I'm not yet ready, however, to move him out of our room. He's quickly getting close to being too big for his cradle, but my heart just isn't ready. I don't think it'll ever be.
Wednesday is 20% coffee cake day at our local bakery. All someone needs to do is say "Sale" and I'm whipping out my debit card whether I need something or not. But, you always need coffee cake, am I right? Legitimate purchase. William and I sat in the cafe, enjoying our treat. As you can tell, the conversation was thrilling. :)
Ugh. Weeds. My yard is loaded with them, and I feel like I'm constantly picking at them. I'm glad I got lazy enough to see this little gem pop through the patio bricks. I don't have the heart to pull it quite yet!
There's a bit of my week! If you're interested, you can find me @jaohorvath!
Friday, June 21, 2013
Thursday, June 20, 2013
2 Months!
Our sweet William is 2 months today! It's really hard to believe how quickly time has gone, and even harder to imagine life without him.
In the last month, milestones include:
And, just for fun...
In the last month, milestones include:
- Smiles! And lots of 'em!
- We can hold our head pretty well and we are starting to support our chest during tummy time.
- We love to squeal and coo!
- Old McDonald is a favorite song.
- A moving fan is my favorite thing to watch.
- I can track objects as they move around me.
We had a little photo shoot this morning- it was so much easier to get a decent pic this time around! Must have something to do with being able to hold up our head :)
Going to leave the rest of this post for pictures...because typing with one hand and holding baby in the other is no easy task!
And, just for fun...
Friday, June 14, 2013
Linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged to share the happenings of our week!
I have a serious problem with hot chocolate. Since I'm not a coffee drinker (only fancy coffee, thankyouverymuch), I enjoy a mug of hot chocolate every now and then. Even when it's hot outside. Especially when it's hot outside.
This is Ellie, my lovable little doggie. I feel so badly for her lately -- she's really gotten the short end of the stick ever since William arrived. She has a very sensitive soul. I swear, when that dog does something wrong, she tries to apologize a few minutes later. I miss having the time to walk and snuggle her and I need to make the effort to spend more quality time with her.
My little boy is getting B-I-G! Notice the double chin and enormous hands. Love him!
Last weekend, Seth and I celebrated our first anniversary! It's been quite a year and I love my husband dearly. It was also the first night out away from William. We somehow managed to eat our entire dinner -- dessert included -- an hour after we left the house. Not really a "night out", but we just wanted to spend time with our little guy.
The smiles continue! Loved that I captured this one. He looks like he's up to something...
I've just begun to feel more comfortable taking the baby out in public. What better place to visit than Nordstrom? My mom and I introduced William to all that Nordstrom has to offer and we enjoyed a lunch at their Cafe. I've got to tell you, it was a wonderful day. It felt so good to get out and do things. And I don't think William minded one bit :)
Follow me on Instagram @jaohorvath!
Thursday, June 13, 2013
I've mentioned before that I'm a list maker. I start off most days with a list. Whether paper/pencil or on my phone, I like to stay on top of things. It doesn't mean that they always get done, but at least it's there. It guilts me into accomplishing things. I'm one of those people that needs to get everything done before I can really enjoy myself. So, in other words, I'm lotsa fun :)
So, I got to thinking...what if we made to-do lists that had things we actually enjoyed? What if our lists exclusively included things that made our hearts happy? What if we didn't have to worry about all of those other chores and we really could just sit back and relax?
Instead of making a traditional to-do list, I'm making a FUN-do list. Things that I want to accomplish over the course of the week that make me happy. Does that mean I'll accomplish everything? Not necessarily, but that's what is great about the FUN-do list. You don't have the pressure to get everything done and it gives you something to look forward to.
Here's my current list in visual form! (a small list to 7 week old dictates the schedule, these days!)
1) Knitting. I am currently working on Otto's head. William and I ventured to the craft store the other day to get some stuffing so that I can begin the next phase. I'm enjoying this project so far, and I think I'll learn a lot about the construction once I get a little further!
2) Painting. Full disclosure - I'm not actually the one doing the painting. (Kudos to mom for that!). This past week, a shade of yellow went up in my family room. Blue is next in my half bath. Thinking red for my kitchen. Love having color on the walls and loving making my stamp on this house!
So, I got to thinking...what if we made to-do lists that had things we actually enjoyed? What if our lists exclusively included things that made our hearts happy? What if we didn't have to worry about all of those other chores and we really could just sit back and relax?
Instead of making a traditional to-do list, I'm making a FUN-do list. Things that I want to accomplish over the course of the week that make me happy. Does that mean I'll accomplish everything? Not necessarily, but that's what is great about the FUN-do list. You don't have the pressure to get everything done and it gives you something to look forward to.
Here's my current list in visual form! (a small list to 7 week old dictates the schedule, these days!)
1) Knitting. I am currently working on Otto's head. William and I ventured to the craft store the other day to get some stuffing so that I can begin the next phase. I'm enjoying this project so far, and I think I'll learn a lot about the construction once I get a little further!
2) Painting. Full disclosure - I'm not actually the one doing the painting. (Kudos to mom for that!). This past week, a shade of yellow went up in my family room. Blue is next in my half bath. Thinking red for my kitchen. Love having color on the walls and loving making my stamp on this house!
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Just what I need...
You know when you look at someone's blog and click on a link, and then click on another link...and another...until you have found something so wonderful and you have no idea just how you got there?
Well, that happened to me this weekend...and now my knittin' fingers are itching.
Let me introduce you to Quince and Co. The prettiest patterns and the most beautiful yarn I've seen in awhile.
Let's talk yarn first. Each type of yarn is named after a bird. Really. Who doesn't want something to be making something out of yarn named Chickadee? How about Finch? Or Puffin? All three? Ok! Let's just pretend for a moment that you are knitting up something beautiful and the following conversation ensues:
Curious Observer: Oh, my! What beautiful yarn! What kind is it?
You: Oh, just this fingering weight yarn...
That doesn't exactly make you want to pick up your needles, does it?
Okay, how about this instead?
Curious Observer: Oh, my! What beautiful yarn! What kind is it?
You: Oh, this? Why, this is called Finch.
See? Sooo much better.
Then, on to the patterns.
I'm particularly struck by the girl patterns - there is something so vintage about these pieces. My little William better watch out, otherwise he's going to end up in one of these!
Well, that happened to me this weekend...and now my knittin' fingers are itching.
Let me introduce you to Quince and Co. The prettiest patterns and the most beautiful yarn I've seen in awhile.
Let's talk yarn first. Each type of yarn is named after a bird. Really. Who doesn't want something to be making something out of yarn named Chickadee? How about Finch? Or Puffin? All three? Ok! Let's just pretend for a moment that you are knitting up something beautiful and the following conversation ensues:
Curious Observer: Oh, my! What beautiful yarn! What kind is it?
You: Oh, just this fingering weight yarn...
That doesn't exactly make you want to pick up your needles, does it?
Okay, how about this instead?
Curious Observer: Oh, my! What beautiful yarn! What kind is it?
You: Oh, this? Why, this is called Finch.
See? Sooo much better.
Then, on to the patterns.
I'm particularly struck by the girl patterns - there is something so vintage about these pieces. My little William better watch out, otherwise he's going to end up in one of these!
And, I'm not one to turn down a cute new scarf pattern:
Well, what are you waiting for?
This post really needs few words. Just this picture:
If you:
A) Love the peanut butter and chocolate combo
B) Don't like running your oven on a hot day
C) Don't have a lot of time to spare
D) Know a good thing when you see it
Then you should really, really make these peanut butter and pretzel, yesterday.

Can I just say that I'm a perfectionist and it drove me crazy that my bars did not come out in neat little squares. Maybe it was because it was a humid day when I made these? You know, I just have to let it go...still tastes the same :)
For the recipe, look here.
If you:
A) Love the peanut butter and chocolate combo
B) Don't like running your oven on a hot day
C) Don't have a lot of time to spare
D) Know a good thing when you see it
Then you should really, really make these peanut butter and pretzel, yesterday.

Can I just say that I'm a perfectionist and it drove me crazy that my bars did not come out in neat little squares. Maybe it was because it was a humid day when I made these? You know, I just have to let it go...still tastes the same :)
For the recipe, look here.
Friday, June 7, 2013
I have to admit -- I didn't really understand the whole Instagram phenomenon. I also have to admit -- I usually don't know what I'm talking about :)
So, I gave it a go this week! My biggest challenge is actually remembering to take pictures. So, you know, the whole point of Instagram. But you know what? I will learn, and I applaud anything that lets me follow the Real Housewives of Whatever because I am mildly obsessed.
Okay, so Caribou. I am in love with this coffee. In. Love. I am not in love with the fact that they closed 40+ of their stores a couple of months ago. Including the one within walking distance to my house. I mean, REALLY. I may or may not have shed a tear when I found out. I'll blame it on being pregnant. But who am I kidding. There would have been tears regardless. I now drive 20+ minutes just to get my hands on one. Because I am crazy.
I feel like we've had nothing but rain this week. Little One has become so much more aware of his surroundings, so here we are...just listening to the rain one evening.
I did it! I started Otto the Stuffed Bear! And sadly, it still looks like this. Poor William won't be able to snuggle with this guy until he's ready to go off to college.
So, I gave it a go this week! My biggest challenge is
Okay, so Caribou. I am in love with this coffee. In. Love. I am not in love with the fact that they closed 40+ of their stores a couple of months ago. Including the one within walking distance to my house. I mean, REALLY. I may or may not have shed a tear when I found out. I'll blame it on being pregnant. But who am I kidding. There would have been tears regardless. I now drive 20+ minutes just to get my hands on one. Because I am crazy.
I feel like we've had nothing but rain this week. Little One has become so much more aware of his surroundings, so here we are...just listening to the rain one evening.
I did it! I started Otto the Stuffed Bear! And sadly, it still looks like this. Poor William won't be able to snuggle with this guy until he's ready to go off to college.
And, perhaps the most exciting news this week - we are starting to smile with some consistency here! The things I do to make this kid smile. My voice has turned into sappy, high-pitched coos whenever I see this face. No wonder the dog keeps thinking I'm talking to her.
Linking up with Jeannett on Life Rearranged.
Find me on Instagram @jaohorvath if so you please!
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Family Room Makeover
When we moved into our home last fall, we didn't bring much with us in the way of furniture. We had a few pieces that we had purchased over the last few years, but the majority of our pieces were family hand-me-downs. They have served their purpose in the last few years. We were so afraid to purchase new pieces while living in the condo because we were unsure how they would fit into whatever home we moved into. That has left this house feeling empty...and not quite feeling like a home just yet.
With William's baptism approaching in another month, we'll be hosting guests for lunch afterward. It has inspired me to get a move on things and make it look as though we've completed a room in this house other than the nursery. Now, I'm the kind of girl that likes to make To-Do lists. I'm even the kind of girl that writes things down on a To-Do list that have already been done, just for the sake of crossing things off. Yes, I'm that person.
So, I've mentally started writing my list of things I want to accomplish before the baptism. Note that I'm mentally making this list -- I'm too afraid to actually write it all down this time, because there's A LOT on there. And about 30 days to do it. And a newborn. And so, yeah. You see where I'm going with this.
The room that will get the most attention between now and then is our family room. We love this room. We LIVE in this room. The makeover is already under way. After moving in, we (and when I say "we" I really mean the hardwood flooring guy) took out the carpeting and installed wood floors. We (and this time, I don't mean the hardwood flooring guy, but actually ME), purchased a new rug and a new fan. So, the process has begun, but the room itself is lacking something.
I'm hoping that with a new coat of paint, some curtains, and something decorative on the walls, the room will begin to feel more "homey" and less like a mishmash of furniture thrown together, desperately trying to pretend that they are the real deal.
Here are the before photos:
With William's baptism approaching in another month, we'll be hosting guests for lunch afterward. It has inspired me to get a move on things and make it look as though we've completed a room in this house other than the nursery. Now, I'm the kind of girl that likes to make To-Do lists. I'm even the kind of girl that writes things down on a To-Do list that have already been done, just for the sake of crossing things off. Yes, I'm that person.
So, I've mentally started writing my list of things I want to accomplish before the baptism. Note that I'm mentally making this list -- I'm too afraid to actually write it all down this time, because there's A LOT on there. And about 30 days to do it. And a newborn. And so, yeah. You see where I'm going with this.
The room that will get the most attention between now and then is our family room. We love this room. We LIVE in this room. The makeover is already under way. After moving in, we (and when I say "we" I really mean the hardwood flooring guy) took out the carpeting and installed wood floors. We (and this time, I don't mean the hardwood flooring guy, but actually ME), purchased a new rug and a new fan. So, the process has begun, but the room itself is lacking something.
I'm hoping that with a new coat of paint, some curtains, and something decorative on the walls, the room will begin to feel more "homey" and less like a mishmash of furniture thrown together, desperately trying to pretend that they are the real deal.
Here are the before photos:
First order of business -- remove neon green shoes.
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