With SO many wonderfully adorable options out there, I am having a difficult time choosing gender-neutral pieces. Here are a few that I've stumbled upon:
The Owlet Pattern by Kate Davies
Source: needled.wordpress.com via Lillian on Pinterest
By the looks of things, I am the only person in the history of knitting that hasn't tried this one yet. And I'm a fan of owls, so it's win-win.
L-O-V-E this idea, found on the BBB craft blog. How you present a gift can be just as important as the gift itself!

I don't know what I love more! The socks...or the chubby legs!
Source: patonsyarns.com via Brynn on Pinterest
And of course, every baby needs a cozy blankie, courtesy of Purl Soho. I love this blanket because it reminds me of one my great-grandmother made...(in 70's style orange, brown, and cream!):

Decisions need to be made soon because these babies need some knit from the heart warmth up against their skin.
The little socks are adorable. What a clever gift idea! Just might steal it!