I am not so good with finishing my projects. I'm realizing that it's not so much about having to stitch everything by hand. It's knowing that another new project is j
ustaroundthecorner. I can't handle that excitement. Kind of like the other day - it was gloomy outside and I was in a serious need of a pick me up. Lo and behold, *NSYNC's classic* song, Tearin' Up My Heart came on the radio and then the clouds parted and there was a rainbow and everything was okay. Yeah, kind of like that.
*Your definition and my definition of classic may differ. ;)
Anyway, my dress is almost finished. Just in time for next fall! I just need to add some sleeves and sew a hem and voila! I'll be done.

Happy knitting to you!
This is soooooo cute! Nice job! Finish it Jenny! Finish it! That poor dress lying in a basket without any sleeves . . .