Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What I Wore Wednesday

I have been a bad blogger. My posting has been lackluster this week due to looming conferences around the corner. Dun Dun Dunnnn. My favorite time of year.

Anyway, please play along at The Pleated Poppy. So much fun!

The "Pin a Rose on Your Nose" Outfit

Gray Jacket - Banana
Black Pants - Banana
White Blouse - J.Crew
Flower Pin - Anthropologie

Doesn't wearing a flower pin just make you
feel fancy? Makes me feel like prom.

The "Wait, is That a Robe?" Outfit

Red Sweater - Anthropologie
Skinnies - Nordstrom
Boots - Steve Madden

Funny story about this sweater. I just happened to wear it on Pajama Day. A fellow colleague commented on how much she liked my

Ummm...excuse me, but I did not spend this kind of money on something that could be mistaken for a

The "Whoa, This Needs Some Color" Outfit

Gold Tee - Anthropologie
Vest - Anthropologie
Navy Pants - Banana
Shoes - Nordstrom

I'm not averse to color. Pinky swear.

The "OhmygoshIlovetheseboots" Outfit

Striped Tee - J.Crew
Military Green Skirt - Anthropologie
Boots - Steve Madden

I need a haircut. Badly.

Off to catch some zzzzz's for conferences. I need to choose my outfits wisely. I tend to feel a little anxious and...*glisten*. Because, you know, ladies don't sweat, they *glisten*. Nothing says gross more than saying "Your child is a pleasure to have in class" while sporting pit stains.

On that note,

1 comment:

  1. You make me giggle! Love the rose. Love the robe. Girl . . . you got the style!


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