The first word, failure, takes on two meanings here. I'm making this post very complex and deep, I know. Try to keep up with me.
Failure = not realizing until I'm finishing up the first sleeve that I wasn't understanding the pattern, having to rip half the sleeve -- and here's the (not so) funny part...I made the same mistake on the back AND front of my sweater, causing me to spend most of my week ripping and crying. Kidding. Kind of.
Failure = 2 day power outage. We had some major storms this week, resulting in a power outage that was welcome for some reasons (no work for 3 days!) but not for others (I love going to bed at 8:30 because it's too dark to do anything else.)
Thank goodness I made progress = Due to said power outage, I was able to make progress on my Big Whoopsie this week. In fact, I corrected the sleeve, back, and front of my sweater...and started the second sleeve.
I have 2 new words for you: Boo. Ya.
Happy knitting!