Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow Days!

I have mixed feelings about snow. 10% of me thinks it's beautiful. 90% of me dislikes (hates) it. Because really, who likes to drive in snow?

But...100% of me LOVED the snow this week. That's because Blizzard 2011 visited the Chicagoland area and that meant I got to spend 2 days at home. And you know what that means...

...knitting! And hot cocoa.

I'm pleased to say I've made some progress on my dress:

All I need to do is sew the pieces together and cross my fingers that it fits. I'm pretty sure I can cross my's the sewing part that might just cause a problem.

And can I just say that I couldn't have done this without my knitting partner (Mom). I give her full credit for blocking, and fixing my mistakes, and helping me measure...and I swear, I made this dress. I swear.

Hopefully you have made the most of this wintry weather. I can't wait to post a picture soon of my very new sewn-together dress!

(I can't resist putting up a picture of Ellie - who probably loved the Snow Days just as much as I did!)
