Here's a sneak peek for two projects that are for the holidays. When I say two projects, I mean one project for me, and one project for someone special. I'm a firm believer that I should treat myself to gifts around the holidays, too :)
Unfortunately, I can't share exactly what I'm making, because it might just be for one of YOU. But! I can share that this is TwinkleKnits Soft Chunky yarn, and really, anything that has "Soft" and "Chunky" in the title wins me over.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
What I Wore Wednesday
Hello, all! I am at it again, posting my outfits of the week, courtesy of The Pleated Poppy. I have always enjoyed fashion...but sometimes have been afraid to express myself. And then I thought, "Well what am I waiting for?" I am always drawn to things that have a little something different about them. I try to find that extra special detail in everything that I wear. Plus, let's be honest, it's fun sharing and looking at what everyone else has worn this week. I encourage you to check out what others are wearing!
The "I'm Going to Throw a Belt on This" Outfit

Striped Shirt - J.Crew
Cable Vest - Banana
Navy Pants - Banana
Shoes - Nordstrom
The "Who Doesn't Love Polka Dots?" Outfit

Shirt - Ann Taylor
Polka Dot Vest - Boden
Jeans - Nordstrom
Shoes - Nordstrom
Striped Shirt - J.Crew
Cable Vest - Banana
Navy Pants - Banana
Shoes - Nordstrom
The "Who Doesn't Love Polka Dots?" Outfit
Shirt - Ann Taylor
Polka Dot Vest - Boden
Jeans - Nordstrom
Shoes - Nordstrom
The "Yay! I'm wearing tights!" Outfit

Shirt - Banana
Skirt - Banana
Shoes - Tory Burch
The "I Need a Cozy Sweater" Outfit

Shirt - Nordstrom
Cable Sweater - Boutique
Pants - Banana
Leopard Shoes - Nordstrom
Shirt - Banana
Skirt - Banana
Shoes - Tory Burch
The "I Need a Cozy Sweater" Outfit
Shirt - Nordstrom
Cable Sweater - Boutique
Pants - Banana
Leopard Shoes - Nordstrom
I'm so glad the weather is finally feeling like fall! I can't wait to post some cozy sweaters next week!
Monday, October 25, 2010
The Purl Bee
Stop the presses. I have made a to-do list for you today.
Click here.
Read and marvel.
Be inspired.
Quit your day job.
Knit, knit, knit.
Thanks, Nicole, for passing this blog on to me! Don't forget to check out their SoHo shop here - tons of cute patterns, beautiful yarn, and just plain old goodness! Warm and fuzzy doesn't even begin to describe it!
Click here.
Read and marvel.
Be inspired.
Quit your day job.
Knit, knit, knit.
Thanks, Nicole, for passing this blog on to me! Don't forget to check out their SoHo shop here - tons of cute patterns, beautiful yarn, and just plain old goodness! Warm and fuzzy doesn't even begin to describe it!
I've been bad. Very, very bad.
Confession time.
It's hard to admit, so I'm just going to say it all in one breath:
Not too bad, right? Well that's because I didn't tell you everything.
Okay, I'm almost done confessing:
Phew! I think that's everything. You see, this is what happens when I have a few spare minutes and I decide to start searching for patterns online. No matter that I still have a few projects on the back burner. I need these NOW (insert stomping feet.) I am like a child. Some call it a disaster, but I call it a yarn high. And this yarn high is very, very high.
Although I can't show you everything that I bought (surprise, surprise!), I can show you this:
find me here!

It's hard to admit, so I'm just going to say it all in one breath:
Not too bad, right? Well that's because I didn't tell you everything.
Okay, I'm almost done confessing:
Phew! I think that's everything. You see, this is what happens when I have a few spare minutes and I decide to start searching for patterns online. No matter that I still have a few projects on the back burner. I need these NOW (insert stomping feet.) I am like a child. Some call it a disaster, but I call it a yarn high. And this yarn high is very, very high.
Although I can't show you everything that I bought (surprise, surprise!), I can show you this:

That's the holiday stocking I am d-y-i-n-g to make. Ever since I began knitting, I've wanted to make a stocking, so I'm thinking about this one. Don't you just love the colors? I do...but I don't know if my wallet does. hee hee!

Sunday, October 24, 2010
Everyone needs a Knitting Circle!
It's true. Everyone needs a Knitting Circle.
Me, Krissy, Nancy, Anita, Nicole, and baby Henry!
For just over a year, I have been meeting with these ladies every 6 weeks. And, let me tell you, every meeting brings about inspiration, productivity, and laughter.
Maybe it's 20% inspiration and productivity, and 80% laughter. I need to paint a true picture here.
All kidding aside, these meetings provide us with an opportunity to connect with our dearest fellow knitters. We problem-solve, we ooo and ahh over new yarns and patterns, and of course, we declare we will begin something new (without ever finishing our current project, of course.)
I love every single one of these ladies with all of my heart. Thank YOU, knitting friends, for giving me something delightful to look forward to every 6 weeks.
And, hey, it's ok that we don't accomplish a lot of knitting.
Maybe it's 20% inspiration and productivity, and 80% laughter. I need to paint a true picture here.
All kidding aside, these meetings provide us with an opportunity to connect with our dearest fellow knitters. We problem-solve, we ooo and ahh over new yarns and patterns, and of course, we declare we will begin something new (without ever finishing our current project, of course.)
I love every single one of these ladies with all of my heart. Thank YOU, knitting friends, for giving me something delightful to look forward to every 6 weeks.
And, hey, it's ok that we don't accomplish a lot of knitting.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
What I Wore Wednesday
Can you feel that crisp fall air? Love. it! Thanks to Lindsey at The Pleated Poppy, you can take a peek at what I wore this week - yay for fall weather and fall clothing!

The "Do I like yellow or what?" Outfit
Jacket - Macy's
Blouse - Boden
Jeans - Nordstrom
Shoes - Nordstrom
Blouse - Boden
Jeans - Nordstrom
Shoes - Nordstrom
The "I'm headed to the World's Largest Corn Maze" Outfit
Ruffle Top - Banana Republic
Jeans - Banana Republic
Belt - Anthropologie
Shoes - Privo's
The "I'm feeling rather graphic" Outfit
Jeans - Banana Republic
Belt - Anthropologie
Shoes - Privo's
The "I'm feeling rather graphic" Outfit
The "Ooo I'm getting observed today" Outift
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Increasing Drama
I am finally getting close to finishing the baby blanket, and then three little letters, inc, got me all confused. My fingers don't exactly know what that means.
Not to say that my mom isn't good at explaining things...but trying to explain someone how to knit over the phone isn't exactly the best way to teach someone how to knit. The conversation went something like this:
Mom: "So you knit one and then using the same knit, you knit again."
Me: "Wait....what?"
Mom: "You knit one and then using the same knit, you knit again. Don't you get it?"
Me: *Silence*
Okay, so that didn't work. On to problem numero dos: Jenny Decides to Take Matters into Her Own Hands.
My knitting book has gotten me through some tough times. It's taught me how to join yarn, how to decrease, and how to do various stitches. Only natural to think it would teach me how to increase, right? Wrong-o, again. Who knew there were 5 million ways to increase, none of which seemed appropriate. But since when do I care about being appropriate? So, I chose one and went for it.
The problem? I chose to yarn-over...not realizing that yarn-over is a fancy way of saying "make a hole in my knitting."
So, here's a quick recap:
My blanket lays, I'm back to working on my dress until I can figure this one out. Unless I get restless.
My knitting book has gotten me through some tough times. It's taught me how to join yarn, how to decrease, and how to do various stitches. Only natural to think it would teach me how to increase, right? Wrong-o, again. Who knew there were 5 million ways to increase, none of which seemed appropriate. But since when do I care about being appropriate? So, I chose one and went for it.
The problem? I chose to yarn-over...not realizing that yarn-over is a fancy way of saying "make a hole in my knitting."
So, here's a quick recap:
- Jenny doesn't know how to increase (No surprise.)
- Jenny doesn't know how to take knitting instructions over the phone. (No surprise, again.)
- Jenny rewrites the pattern so it suits her (Double no surprise.)
- Jenny learns how to yarn-over (Silver lining.)
My blanket lays, I'm back to working on my dress until I can figure this one out. Unless I get restless.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
What I Wore Wednesday
Welcome to another installment of The Pleated Poppy's "What I Wore Wednesday!" I really, really wish that this weather would just make up it's mind. Weather, I know you still want to be summer, but can you puh-lease just be fall? Because I am having a difficult time trying to figure out what to wear! Enjoy a few snapshots from the week! :)

The "Could there BE anymore bows?" Outfit
The "I can't believe I'm wearing this to the Pumpkin Patch" Outfit.
Top: Anthropologie
Grey Jeans: Anthropologie
Sandals: Lord and Taylor
Grey Jeans: Anthropologie
Sandals: Lord and Taylor
The "Boy, do I love a pattern" Outfit
Tunic: Boden
Leggings: White House Black Market
Shoes: Tory Burch
Leggings: White House Black Market
Shoes: Tory Burch
I definitely think the last outfit is my new favorite for fall. Love me some leggings! What is your favorite transition piece?
Friday, October 8, 2010
It all started in kindergarten.
100th Day of School.
Assignment: To bring in 100 items.
And what did I bring?
100 buttons. 100 of the most beautiful treasures that were found in my grandma's sewing basket.
I have had a slight fascination with buttons ever since. Well...okay...major fascination.
I dream of the day when I will have acquired enough buttons to fill jars and jars in my home. Do you know how it can sometimes be a pain to cut the extra buttons off of a new article of clothing, because you don't know where to put them? I call that experience heaven.
There used to be the cutest button store in Chicago during my pre-knitting days. My mom and I were recently on a manhunt to find the most perfect buttons for a project, and found that the store had closed. Torture! I can actually buy buttons now for things that I'm knitting and they *gasp!* take the store away?!
Now...if I only knew how to make button holes...we'd be in business.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
What I Wore Wednesday
It's time again for the What I Wore Wednesday post, courtesy of The Pleated Poppy. I was a bit more adventurous this time and I have more outfits to share. Enjoy!

The "Yay it's Fall and I can wear this cute sweater!" Outfit

The "Picture Day" Outfit - Say Cheese!
The "Yay it's Fall and I can wear this cute sweater!" Outfit
Stripey Sweater - Boden
Black Cords - J.Crew
Shoes - Tory Burch
Black Cords - J.Crew
Shoes - Tory Burch
The "Boy, do I love ruffles" Outfit
Grey Blazer - Banana
Ruffly Shirt - Anthropologie
Pants - Anthropologie
Shoes - Tory Burch
The "I'm mad for plaid" Outfit
Ruffly Shirt - Anthropologie
Pants - Anthropologie
Shoes - Tory Burch
The "I'm mad for plaid" Outfit
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Featured Knitter: Nancy
I decided it would be fun to feature some of my favorite knitters, and of course, the obvious first choice was my mom. As I've posted before, she is such an inspiration to me, in all aspects of my life. I feel like this new bond we've created with knitting has brought us even closer together than before!
Enjoy reading the interview with Nancy, knitter extraordinaire!
How did you become a knitter?
Growing up, I admired my mother who was so artistically talented - she sketched, she sewed, she embroidered, and she knitted. Whenever she could squeeze in some time (usually late into the evening when my siblings and I were asleep) she'd create something beautiful with her magic hands! I think some of her "magic" rubbed off on me. I, too, sketch, sew, embroider, knit, (and crochet!). I became interested in knitting around the age of 11 or 12. Mom gave me some coral colored yarn to begin my first project - a scarf. I remember my tension was pretty off - that scarf had a wavy look to it! My best friend's mom taught her to knit around the same time - I remember sitting in her basement, both of us so focused on our projects that all you could hear was the clicking of the needles. Knitters often like to knit together. This is one hobby that can be done in a group setting or on ones own. It's fun to share knowledge, patterns, and experiences with one another. My mother told me that she first learned to knit on her lunch break by one of her coworkers. They traded their cigarette breaks for knitting circles!
Knitting highs? Knitting lows?
Hmmmm. I can distinctly remember a knitting low . . . not too long ago either. I made myself a sweater that turned out to be a cape of some sort. Moral of the story - double check measurements and take into account the style of the garment you're making as well as your own figure.
Knitting high? Being very proud of the "finishing" of a recent project. I've read many articles about how your finishing technique(s) can really ruin your hard work. Although I have yet to take any knitting classes, it's probably not a bad idea. There's always new information out there. Whenever I see a finished project displayed in a yarn shop, I'm often drawn to not only the garment itself, but how the pieces were sewn together.
Why do you like to knit?
I like the quiet time - me, a medium DECAF, skim mocha with milk chocolate, no whip from Caribou, and often HGTV on the tv. I usually don't sit down and knit until the errands are run, the chores around the house are completed and the dinner is made. I still find it pretty amazing what gorgeous pieces can be created from a ball of yarn. The patterns I choose are what immediately catch my eye and I never hesitate to challenge myself. I also prefer to use the yarn suggested because part of what catches my eye is the yarn itself. Finally, admiring your work no matter how difficult the project was, is very self satisfying. Time to pat yourself on the back and show it off (except the in the case of aforementioned cape!)
Take a look at Nancy's latest piece -
Gorgeous jacket and hat, modeled by the cutest baby ever!

Enjoy reading the interview with Nancy, knitter extraordinaire!
How did you become a knitter?
Growing up, I admired my mother who was so artistically talented - she sketched, she sewed, she embroidered, and she knitted. Whenever she could squeeze in some time (usually late into the evening when my siblings and I were asleep) she'd create something beautiful with her magic hands! I think some of her "magic" rubbed off on me. I, too, sketch, sew, embroider, knit, (and crochet!). I became interested in knitting around the age of 11 or 12. Mom gave me some coral colored yarn to begin my first project - a scarf. I remember my tension was pretty off - that scarf had a wavy look to it! My best friend's mom taught her to knit around the same time - I remember sitting in her basement, both of us so focused on our projects that all you could hear was the clicking of the needles. Knitters often like to knit together. This is one hobby that can be done in a group setting or on ones own. It's fun to share knowledge, patterns, and experiences with one another. My mother told me that she first learned to knit on her lunch break by one of her coworkers. They traded their cigarette breaks for knitting circles!
Knitting highs? Knitting lows?
Hmmmm. I can distinctly remember a knitting low . . . not too long ago either. I made myself a sweater that turned out to be a cape of some sort. Moral of the story - double check measurements and take into account the style of the garment you're making as well as your own figure.
Knitting high? Being very proud of the "finishing" of a recent project. I've read many articles about how your finishing technique(s) can really ruin your hard work. Although I have yet to take any knitting classes, it's probably not a bad idea. There's always new information out there. Whenever I see a finished project displayed in a yarn shop, I'm often drawn to not only the garment itself, but how the pieces were sewn together.
Why do you like to knit?
I like the quiet time - me, a medium DECAF, skim mocha with milk chocolate, no whip from Caribou, and often HGTV on the tv. I usually don't sit down and knit until the errands are run, the chores around the house are completed and the dinner is made. I still find it pretty amazing what gorgeous pieces can be created from a ball of yarn. The patterns I choose are what immediately catch my eye and I never hesitate to challenge myself. I also prefer to use the yarn suggested because part of what catches my eye is the yarn itself. Finally, admiring your work no matter how difficult the project was, is very self satisfying. Time to pat yourself on the back and show it off (except the in the case of aforementioned cape!)
Take a look at Nancy's latest piece -
Gorgeous jacket and hat, modeled by the cutest baby ever!
Monday, October 4, 2010
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